Sunday, July 7, 2024

Why Didn’t Someone Do This Before?

The reaction from people on hearing that there is a system now available that works very much like a telephone directory in reverse is “why didn’t someone do this before?”. And it is a very good question. The fact that it is here now is pretty cool, of course, but if we could have had […]

The Reverse Directory That Turns The Tables On Stalkers

Some people say that you’re nobody until you have had a stalker. Strangely, it turns out that most people who have been stalked tend not to enjoy it that much, and would give up their stalker in return for total anonymity if they could. Alternatively, there are anti-stalker measures that you can take to push […]

Nuisance Phone Calls

Although we can be grateful to Alexander Graham Bell for inventing the telephone and making it possible for us to speak to people who are far away, the truth is that many of us, in this day and age, find as much to complain about as we do to celebrate with our phones. For many […]